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Call for Proposals: Behavioral Research with FindingFive and Qntfy

Do you have a research idea that you’ve been wanting to test? We are excited to announce that FindingFive (, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to powering online behavioral research, is partnering with Qntfy (, a behavioral analytics firm, to offer two (2) $250 awards to implement your idea using the FindingFive platform. We welcome proposals for research ideas that can be answered with online experiments with human participants. FindingFive will also feature a summary of your project and experimental results in our blog, co-written with you!


FindingFive and Qntfy will award two (2) proposals with up to $250 USD each. The award must be used exclusively towards covering participant fees.


  • You must be employed by or enrolled at an accredited college or university in the USA.
  • Proposals from graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and post-baccalaureate lab managers will be given preference, although everyone is welcome to apply.

Important Dates

Proposal due: March 2, 2020
Notification of award: April 15, 2020
Data collection due: August 31, 2020
Preliminary summary due: October 31, 2020

Proposal requirements

  • The proposed research must be implemented on and powered by the FindingFive platform (FindingFive will gladly consider requests for new features as required by the proposed research).
  • Award funds must only be used as payment for study participants run on FindingFive, either via Amazon Mechanical Turk or in person.
  • The proposed research must employ experimental methods with at least 1 control condition and 1 experimental treatment condition (broadly defined).
  • The proposal must address issues of statistical power.
  • The proposed research must receive ethical approval from your institution’s Institutional Review Board prior to data collection.
  • Data collection and analysis must be completed by August 31, 2020.
  • A project summary must be sent to FindingFive by October 31, 2020.
  • Any publications or presentations on findings discovered in this research project must acknowledge FindingFive and Qtnfy as a funding source.

Application details

  • The proposal should be written in English, and must include the following information in at most 5 pages, double-spaced:
    • the research question of interest
    • a brief explanation of the relevant theoretical background
    • the proposed experimental design
    • the hypotheses
    • the consideration of statistical power
    • the proposed statistical methodology highlighting variables of interest, especially the behavioral outcome
    • a statement about the novelty, importance, and implications of the project
    • the expected total of participant fees (we recommend factoring in a 10% budgetary headroom to account for potential technical hiccups in online studies)
  • Proposal submissions are due by March 2, 2020, 11:59pm EST.
  • Submit proposals in PDF format by email to with a subject “FindingFive Qntfy Award Proposal”.

Any questions or comments regarding this call for proposals can be sent to .

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