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Help us build a participant pool by participating in a survey!

FindingFive is working on building a base of participants, so that you can recruit from beyond your own institution’s participant pool very soon!

To do that, we need your help!

We are interested in understanding what characteristics of a participant pool you’re looking for in your research and have created this survey to guide our recruitment efforts with your input. The survey has three parts and should take about 5-10 minutes to complete. You’ll be asked to provide basic demographic information about you, as well as information about the types of studies you typically conduct. Finally, you will be asked to indicate what participant pool characteristics are most and least important across a series of sets.

Paying Participants Made Easier

Together with building a participant pool, we have now also opened our payment system for a public beta test! As a researcher, you can now pay participants directly on FindingFive, without having to arrange your own payments. We charge a low flat fee of 15%, and participants will get paid the very next day. Read our blog post here to learn more.

We appreciate your time and input! Please direct any questions to