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FindingFive and Course Credit: A Researcher’s Guide

Welcome, Researchers! This guide is all about how you can use FindingFive’s new feature to offer course credits as rewards in your studies. This innovative approach not only simplifies management for admins but also provides an excellent way for researchers to offer non-monetary rewards for participation in their studies, especially when funding is tight. Let’s dive into how you can create a new session with the Course Credit Management System.

Before You Begin

If your institution isn’t listed on FindingFive, please ask your department admin to contact us for setup. This is an essential first step in utilizing FindingFive for managing course credits.

Launch Your Session with Course Credit Rewards

Ready to get started? If you haven’t already, create a FindingFive account and sign in as a researcher using your academic email.

After signing in, navigate to your study and launch a session using the launch wizard. Need a quick refresher on this? Check out our detailed post on Launching and Managing Sessions.

Session Launch Wizard Steps

Step 1: Choose a Platform

  • Start a session ‘Directly on Finding Five’.

Step 1.1: Who Can Participate?

  • Select ‘My own participant pool’ and create or generate an access code.

Steps 2-4

Steps 2-4 allow you to enter basic information about the study, like participation restrictions, prerequisites, and any important demographic filters. For details, see our tutorial on Launching and Managing Sessions.

Step 5: Compensation Options

  • Choose the ‘Course Credit Reward’ option and select your institution. If your institution isn’t listed, contact your department admin and ask them to set up your institution with FindingFive.
  • Set up an expiration date for credit redemption, if desired. FindingFive will automatically remind students to redeem their credits before expiration.
  • Optionally, allow students to drop out of the experiment and still receive full course credits (this won’t be advertised to students).

Finalizing Your Session

The last steps (6-8) involve uploading your participant consent form, agreeing to share data with FindingFive, and scheduling your session.

And that’s it! You’re now ready to launch your session with course credits as a reward, an approach that benefits both you and your participants.


Researchers don’t need to know what courses students will apply their earned credits toward when launching a session. This choice is left with the students and thus ensures the flexibility of FindingFive’s Course Credit Management System. At the same time, researchers will have full control over the number of credits that can be earned by students and how long those credits stay valid.

We hope this setup of the course credit system maximizes the productivity of everyone involved. Happy researching!