What do all these numbers and letters mean on my results CSV file? In this tutorial, we’ll tell you how to interpret your output!
CSV results are organized in long format. This means each participant will occupy several rows in your data–one row for each response in your study. If there are multiple responses on a single trial, you’ll see the same trial listed in multiple rows.
To protect participant privacy, the order of this CSV is randomized by participant. This means that the responses for a participant who took the study in the morning may not appear before those of someone who completed the study later in the day.
expt_id: Alphanumeric code identifying the study. Each study may have multiple sessions, but all sessions will have the same expt_id (session_id, listed below, will identify the specific session).
group_id: Participant’s group, as defined in your procedure section. If you haven’t defined groups, all elements in this column will read ‘default.’
network_error_repeat: This is a meta-field for debugging purposes. For the most part, ignore this field. If you notice that the value in this column is not 1 or 0, please reach out to our support team.
participant_id: Alphanumeric string that identifies the participant.
participation_duration: Total time (seconds) that your participant took to complete the study.
response_correct: Whether the participant selected the correct response (set to “TRUE” or “FALSE”). If the response does not have a defined “target”, this cell will be blank.
response_mode: Mode defined in the response (‘keypress’ or ‘click’). This cell will be blank for trials that do not require a response.
response_name: Name of response, as defined in your study materials.
response_rt: Time (milliseconds) between the stimulus onset and the participant’s response.
response_target: Target correct answer. This cell will be blank for responses that do not have targets.
response_type: Type of response (choice, text, rating, etc.).
response_value: Value of the response (if the participant chose ‘5’ on a 7-point Likert scale, this cell will read ‘5’)
session_id: Session ID number. This will match the ID listed in the “Sessions” tab of your study.
stimuli_presented: Name of the stimulus presented with this response.
trial_duration: Time (milliseconds) from stimulus onset to next trial onset.
trial_num: The number of the trial associated with the response of that row.
trial_template: Name of the trial template.
Conditional Branching Columns: If you implemented conditional branching, you will see additional columns accounting for the branching groups that each participant was assigned.
That’s it for this tutorial! Please ask any questions on our discussion forum. Or, as always, you can email us at researcher.help@findingfive.com.